Savings calculator

Estimate the potential savings on your software
subscriptions after implementing LicenceOne
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(your annual savings
over the cost of LicenceOne)

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Est. savings
Shadow IT
While you might be aware of most applications your business uses, there are always some subscriptions that go unnoticed.

Be they be hidden in expenses, miscategorized in accounting codes, or overlooked due to their minimal monthly cost.

LicenceOne empowers you to identify 100% of subscriptions in your company, ensuring complete visibility and control over your software.
Est. savings
Unutilized apps
Just because you're paying for an application doesn't mean your team's actually using it.

With LicenceOne, you can keep track of when each team member last used their apps, and even get alerts the minute they stop using one; saving vital dollars.

After all, your software provider wasn’t going to alert you that you could remove a seat and save money - were they? 😉
Est. savings
Automatic renewals
OK, you’ve subscribed to a new app

Be it monthly with a 12-month subscription, or an annual payment, the result’s the same: few application vendors will notify you when your contract cancellation period is coming up.

With LicenceOne as your secret weapon, though, you’ll detect every renewal date automatically and get alerts well before any bad surprises.
Est. savings
Employee offboarding
When an employee leaves your company, they should be removed from all of their subscriptions immediately. But that’s easier said that done.

With LicenceOne, you’ll automatically assign every user with the applications they have access to; and what’s more, you’ll be able to launch offboarding processes to ensure that when someone leaves, their access leaves with them.

Software management made to be loved

Photo de Victor Doueklogo de Sellsy
“LicenceOne helped us identify and switch our monthly software subscriptions to annual billing and saves us €12,000 a year. I can't recommend them enough.”
Victor Douek
CEO at Sellsy
“LicenceOne is a beautifully simple yet powerful tool for optimising our SaaS spend. Everything is updated automatically and I receive email alerts any time something needs my attention.”
Romain Gauthier
CEO and Cofounder at Didomi
“As a fast-growing agency we test new tools often. We estimated that we used around 20 apps, but LicenceOne detected over double that! Without them, it'd be impossible to stay in control.”
Arthur Lambert
Cofounder at
Get started with LicenceOne